Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Loony's review

The Amazing Spiderman (2012)

The Plot: Well hey guys, we know this one. Peter Parker, photo nerd, living with his aunt an uncle gets bitten by a radioactive spider and tadaaaa! Of course someone dies, there is a cute girl and a really mean, mean man who want's to kill most of the world.
No really, that's about it!
The plot is pretty much the same as in the older version, with the exception that Peters dad is involved in the whole radioactive-spider-business before he died, and the meanie is a giant lizard. Yaay? Not so much. Even before the movie i referred to it as a chick flick, and it turned out to be pretty much true.

But there's nothing wrong with the acting! Sally Field!! Oh my god, I love her! Even though this part wasn't exactly extensive it was great to see her on the screen again, but check out Brothers & Sisters (series) if you want more of her. And Martin Sheen! No complaints there!
Really happy to se Rhys Ifans in a, somewhat, normal character. He has done it before, but since he is just so brilliant att playng a dofus we tend to love him more in those parts. And Dennis Leary has come a long way from the fast talking political complainer on MTV. Wish he would do more movies and not just voice overs for Ice Age, and hopefully this part will give him the chance.

So, for the main characters! I'm a bit on the fence about both of them actually. I love Andrew Garfield, and he plays the part well, but still. I don't really buy it. Or maybe I just wish that Peter Parker was less of a nerd to begin with. I would love to se Andrew as a Psycho killer! I think he'd be great at it!
I'm also a big fan of Emma Stone, but same thing there, she is playing a young schoolgirl...
I think that perhaps it's just me getting old! :)

The movie is def worth seeing, but don't expect any surprises.

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